The Work of Ummah hands a Muslim or a Islamic Charity

Muslim Charity also called Islamic Charity is a non-governmental global relief and development organisation dedicated to easing the suffering of the world's poorest people. It not only responds to disasters and emergencies, but it also successfully conducts short and long-term development programmes without respect for race, religion, or gender. In Islam, there are numerous sorts of charity, the most important of which zakat (obligatory giving) are and sadaqa (voluntary charity). Zakat is a standardised percentage of one's extra money (over and above the necessities of life) that must be given to the poor and needy. Those who spend their riches in the cause of Allah without following it up with reminders of their generosity or with hurt will be rewarded by their Lord. This ensures that persons who are too poor to donate Zakah will not face hardship. Those who consider themselves Muslims should donate to charity to show their devotion to Allah; otherwise, they may not b...