Your Ultimate Platform For Lillah & Zakat Donation Is Here At Ummah Hands
Zakat is an Islamic finance term that refers to an individual's obligation to donate a certain proportion of their wealth to charitable causes each year. Zakat is a form of worship that is required of all Muslims in most countries. Giving money to the poor is said to purify yearly earnings that are more than what is required to meet a person's and their family's basic needs. Zakat, as one of Islam's pillars, is a type of obligatory charity that has the potential to alleviate the suffering of millions. Muslims believe that paying Zakat, which means "to cleanse," purifies, increases, and blesses the remainder of their wealth. Your Zakat donation can support some of our critical work with people and communities living in disaster and war zones, including drought and famine-stricken countries in East Africa and Yemeni communities affected by conflict. Your generosity has helped communities build sustainable livelihoods in the face of climate change, as we...